Practical Personnel Management for Small Systems
Practical Personnel
Management for
Small Systems
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Employees are the heart of small water and wastewater utilities. They answer phones, fix leaks, sooth customers, juggle priorities and keep records in addition to dozens of other daily tasks.
Small systems don't have the luxury of extra employees. The employees and members of the board/council have to pull together.
But sometimes that's hard. In the rush to provide water and wastewater that meets federal and state standards, supervisors and employees alike cannot forget the basics. Those basics include teamwork, legal requirements, the care and nature of employees, handling conflict and customer relations.
This handbook has three purposes. The first is to help supervisors, boards/city councils and employees review the basics. The second is to provide practical tips and examples concerning personnel problems and issues. The final purpose is to look beyond the rush of daily affairs to the future and your relationship with your customers. It's by partnering with customers that small systems will be able to make decisions today about serving your children and grandchildren tomorrow.
Many people assisted in developing and producing this second volume of the Water Board Bible series. Special thanks goes to the Texas Rural Water Association and Florida Rural Water Association which helped to underwrite this book.
Cheri Hunter, Personnel Solutions, Inc. of Wichita, KS, reviewed draft sections and made suggestions. Larry Brown, formerly with the Texas Rural Water Association, reviewed the book at every stage, improving its contents. Attorney Wm. C. O'Keefe, Seneca, KS provided invaluable comments. Rick Becker, Image Point, Kansas City, once again added a light touch with his cartoons and layout.
Final appreciation goes to author Ellen G. Miller, Ellen Miller Group, Lenexa, Kansas. Her dedication to the management needs of small water and wastewater systems brought this volume to reality.
Practical Personnel Management for Small Systems is dedicated to the hundreds of managers, supervisors, employees and board/city council members who do whatever it takes to get the job done. We hope this handbook makes your job easier.
Elmer Ronnebaum, General Manager
Kansas Rural Water Association
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The ARWA/NRWA ServLine Program protects your utility against losses from customers’ water leaks, and provides the opportunity for them to add service line repair replacement protection.
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