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Electrical Energy Audit Assistance

Electric Meter
Electric Meter - Slow it Down!

Would you like
to Reduce your
Electrical Costs?
Find Out How!

The Alabama Rural Water Association (ARWA), in partnership with the National Rural Water Association (NRWA) is offering our members a very special service: a FREE Energy Audit of your utility.

Do not miss out on this valuable program!

This opportunity costs you nothing, but could potentially save you thousands of dollars per month in electrical costs.

Sound to good to be true?

We don’t think so. In several water systems that we have worked with to test this program, we have had savings ranging from 10 to 20 percent of their electric bills. In actual dollars this equals a savings from $12,000 to $50,000 annually depending on the size of the system.

Are you interested?


Complete the form below indicating your interest and submit it to the ARWA.


Upon receipt of your request, we will send you a brief form to complete requesting some basic information about your pumps and electric bill. If our analysis of your equipment indicates a significant savings potential, we will provide a projected savings amount and arrange for a visit to your system to conduct the electrical audit.


There are a limited number of FREE Energy Audits that can be conducted per year, and we have no idea how long service will be available, so contact us now to ensure you are added to the list. Systems will be scheduled on a "first-come, first-served" basis.

Ready to get started?

We are!

You have nothing to lose by indicating your interest. Complete the form below. The dollars you save in electrical costs can help you meet budget deficits and build the reserve accounts necessary for operational needs or emergency situations.

Contact us now for assistance!


Request Assistance and Information


Send:  To send your request for informaton, check the "I'm not a robot" box, answer any questions, and select "Review Message."



Thank you for your interest and participation. If you have any questions, please call the ARWA Office at (334) 396-5511.




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Water Loss Protection

The ARWA/NRWA ServLine Program protects your utility against losses from customers’ water leaks, and provides the opportunity for them to add service line repair replacement protection.
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